Here at CCE we provide splicing or terminating of any Fiber Optic Cables in OSP or ISP environments.
Our technicians use state of the art Fusion Splicers to splice fiber with almost no loss of light or dB.
Testing the fiber optic cable after installation is extremely important to verify a good splice. Our Technicians are capable of performing Fiber Characterization, Optical Time Domain Reflectometer (OTDR) testing, Optical Return Loss (ORL) testing or Power Meter Testing, or any other testing you need. We can do bi-directional tests on single mode or multi-mode and over any number of fiber counts.
While fiber may have taken over the communications industry, there is still a lot of copper wiring left that must be maintained and retrofitted. In addition to Fiber, we can provide high count copper splices using Category 5 compliant 3M 710 splices. Then we back that up with Dynatel Testing to ensure a quality job the first time.